2025 ANCIENT ASTROLOGY 2025 IN-PERSON SEMINAR IN VARNA, BULGARIA4-12 JULY 2025with Rumen Kolev Seminar starts 3:00 PM 4th of July 2025. Place: Varna, Bulgaria. Seminar ends: 12th of July 2025Duration: every day from 1 PM until 7 PM
************ I PART 4, 5 and 6th of July 2025 Babylonian Astrology Hellenistic, Arab, Medieval and Renaissance Astrology. Apollonian Archetypal Mythological Astrology ************ II PART 7, 8 and 9th of July 2025 Practical Babylonian and Ancient Astrology. Analysis of a Chart.Prognosis. Primary Directions.How to work with the computer program Placidus. Analysis and Prognosis on example Charts. Research Work- Guidelines. Results of the most recent Research.Discussion of Cuneiform, Greek, Arabic and Latin manuscripts and texts.************ III PART 10, 11 and 12th of July 2025 Observation of the Sky in the openHow to observe, Orientation, Keeping records. Measuring distances on the Sky. Altitude and azimuth.
The Babylonian Fixed Zodiac. The Constellations.
How to measure the atmospheric transparency.
Observation of the Moon and the Fixed Stars.
Obsevation of the Planets.
Observation of Heliacal Phases.
Free Pogram, Discussion, Museums, visiting Ancient Sites...
Visits of Ancient Stone Observational Sites near Varna************ **************************************************************
Tuition for 4, 5 & 6 July: 700 euro 500 for those who have participated previously or are my personal students Tuition for 7,8 & 9 July: 700 euro 500 for those who have participated previously or are my personal students Tuition for 10,11 & 12 July: Free for all participants. Tuition only for one day: 300 euro 200 for those who have participated previously or are my personal students
Contact: Skype ID: naramdingirsin
email: rumen_k_kolev AT yahoo DOT com
Facebook: rumen.kolev.astrolog
Tel. : (++359)-878-534-111(from outside Bulgaria)
Viber: (++359)-878-534-111 Tel. : 0878-534-111 (from Bulgaria)
WEB: www.babylonianastrology.com
You may pay with WISE, paypal, direct bank transfer or moneygram or Western Union. Anyone wishing to attend should contact me directly.**************************************************************================================================================= VARNA - THE PLACE FOR THE SEMINAR Varna is a beautiful European city of around 500,000 on the Black Sea coast. During the summer it is a great vacation place. The best-preseved temple of Cybele on the Balkans is at 1 hour drive north. The archeological museum of Varna with objects of the first Gold in World history (4500 BC) is a must-see. Everywhere in the region are the remnants of its rich ancient history going back to 6000 BC. TRAVELING TO VARNA If you are traveling to Sofia or Varna with an airplane, maybe it will be worth to check out the price to Istanbul because you may be able to save several hundred euro especially if you are coming from the US, Japan or another distant country. From Istanbul you may take a bus to Varna for around 20-30 euro. STAYING IN VARNA If you prefer I will make the reservation for you after you register and pre-pay 50% of the tuition. You may make reservation yourself using www.booking.com or another WEB Site. You may also arrive and find a place to stay yourself on the spot. I will assist you, show you the city and advise you according to your preferences. HOTELS I can offer you basically two options: Budget hotels for approximately 40 euro per night for a single room and ‘middle class’ for 60 euro per night for a single room. If you want luxory let me know! The sooner you register and pay the 50% of the tuition, the better hotels and rooms I will be able to find for you! Eventually the new 8.00 version of the program Placidus will be presented at the seminar. The version is in its final stages of development at present ( 9th of Feb 2025) In this seminar will be integrated a lot of new material. New insights from never-translated texts in Greek and Arabic. New astonishing doctrines from an untranslated Arabic manuscript. In addition:Myths and Astrology. How to see which Divinities are present in a given Chart. How to see which myths are being played out in a Chart.
Detailed Analysis of the Lunar Orbit. Periods of repetition. ......................... MOST RECENT RESEARCH which will be presented at the 2025 Seminar The Astrological System of the First Hermes, Enmeduranki, King and Priest of Sippar 5500 BC.Based on the deciphering of The Babylonian Astrolabe cuneiform text.Interpretation of eclipses in Babylon. Historical Omina in Babylon.
1. Babylonian, Greek, Byzantine and Persian Horoscopes.2. Myths and Astronomical Cycles- correllation and interpretation. How to find out Which Diviities are present in a Chart. How to find out which myths are played out in a chart.Apollo and CoronisApollo and Echidna Apollo and MarciasApollo and HeraclesHeracles and the HydraMarduk and TiamatNergal and EreshkigalIshtar and EreshkigalNergal and Marduk ... 3. The Cycles of the Lunar Orbit. 4. The eclipses in new Light- chtonic, atmospheric and earth spirits and the eclipses... 5. The 28 Lunar Mansions from Byzantine source. From untranslated text. 6. Untranslated Arabic Manuscript attributed to Hermes and the prophet Daniel.
Here we have discussion of very unusual topics like the Astrological meaning of meteorites, halos around the Sun and the Moon, thunders, rainbows, earthquakes alongside with eclipses and the New Lunar Crescent.7. The Meaning of each of the 30 Lunar Days in a Lunar Month acording to Daniel the prophet. From untranslated Arabic text.8. The 129 years/ months/ days or hours Cycle.From Valens. Discussion of this method of Prognosis.9. Untranslated ARABIC Manuscript attributed to HermesKitab Ustutas ma' Kitab RauhanyatThis is highly mysterious text of 210 pages containing many original and never-heard-of doctrines!This is, in a major part, description of the unseen Spiritual World from Astrological perspective.A big section is dedicated to Magical RIngs of the seven Planets. How to make them and How to use them.Another one describes the structure of the Soul and the 49 Planetary Spirits which may or may not enter it.It deals also with the 28 Lunar Mansions, the Interactions among the Planets, friendships and animosity or indifference between the Planets in many shades unknown until now. 10. Heliacal Transits in Greek sources and in Practice.
In addition many short untranslated texts from Greek and Arabic will be discussed:
Astrological Prognosis of the winners of the Chariot Racing in Byzantium,Astrological Magic from Greek sources,The Best and Worst Hours in the days of the week according to Hermes,... **************************************************************DETAILS
************************************************************************** The results of the most recent research will be presented at this seminar. These include: 1. APOLLONIAN ASTROLOGY. Neo-Platonic Astrology. Apollo is Light and Vision. His alphabet is Symbols and Images and his language is Myths. He sees the Archetypal structure of the human soul. Art, Mythology, Spiritual doctrines and Astrology. Divinities in the myths, the sky and the chart. How to see which myths are active in a given chart. Interpretation of the myths. The Myth of Apollo and Hermes- the Heliacal cycle of Mercury. The Myth of Apollo and the Echidna- the elongation of visible Mercury Morning star. The tripod of Apollo- Mercury after morning elongation. Apollo and Marsias. Apollo and Coronis. Athena, Gorgona and Aphrodite in the Sky and the Venus Cycle. Athena and the Gorgona- meaning of the myth. Aphrodite and Ares, Hephest and Hellios- the myths and How to see them in a chart. Dionysios and the satyrs. Pan, The Nymphs. Where are they in the Sky and How active are in a chart. Their meaning as archetypes and their role in myths and life. Types of Archetypal Structures. The Heroes. Heracles, Jason, Perseus, Prometheus, Theseus, Orpheus Trojans and Achaeans. Achilles, Hector, Paris, Odysseus, Aeneas. How to see Which Hero is active in a chart. ............ 2. Echidna and Typhon on the Lunar Orbit. Echidna- the closest point of the lunar orbit to the Earth. Typhon- the most remote. Definitions and Meaning. Interpreation. 3. Solar and Lunar Eclipses depending on the place of the Moon on its orbit. ..................................
************* TOPICS *************
Untranslated ancient Greek horoscopes! Going through the untranslated Latin and Arabic text The Secret Book of Hermes on the Spiritual World (Antimaquis), I deciphered several completely new doctrines of Hermes: The riddle of the seven most-happy, most-lucky, most-kingly degrees of the Zodiac! Abu Mashar one thousand years ago wrote which exactly are these 7 most-kingly degrees. But did he mean the tropical zodiac or the sidereal? And Why exactly these degrees are the most-noble and lucky of all?! Did the ancient Greek authors mention them and what exactly did they write? As we will see, this doctrine is so old that even the ancients themselves have forgotten the real reason of the kingship associated with these seven degrees! With this doctrine we can learn the exact spiritual level of everyone. More than this: Hermes has enshrined in this amazing teaching the answers of several very important questions. The connection between the Planets, the Organs of the Body and the Feelings residing in them. The ALmuten of the chart and the ALmuten of the country- comparison according to untranslated Latin text of Hermes. Which planetrs rule which countries and how to tell the fate of the different people.
Hermes' Map of the human Soul Each of the 7 planets has 7 spirits. 4 of them are incarnated (incorporati) on earth, and 3 are most sublime not-incarnated on earth ('subtilissimi). When a human is born he is born with a soul of two sections: perishable/sensual section (meros aisthetikon) and eternal/divine section (meros noeron). Each of the 7 Planets may send none, one, two, three or all its 4 'incorporati' to the 'corporal' part of the soul of the new-born. Those spirits (spiritus) enter the soul of the baby in the image of Animals through the first inhaled air and to the heart. All 4 incarnated spirits are in fact different Animals. There are 28 Animals altogether (7 planets times 4). In a soul may enter all 28 Animals or any number between 0 and 28. It all depends on the Sky in the moment of the first breath. Hermes gives the rules how to compute this.The same applies to the 21 sublime spirits which go to the 'eternal'section of the soul. Usually only 1, 2 or 3 Animals rule ech of us. These are the strongest and they take turn on ruling us. Each may rule one or more moments of time. Usually these are months and years. In rare cases only one Animal rules someone his whole life. Thus, a soul may end up loaded with all 28 Animals and 21 DIvine Principles or ... indeed ... a soul may contain only several Spirits or nothing at all. The so called 'empty souls'. Which are the Animals of each Planet and How to compute on a chart Which of these Animals are in the native? Detailed exposition Deo Volente will be offered at the second-level Seminar! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Greek Horoscope from 550 AD from an untranslated Greek manuscript. Analysis of other Greek and Medieval Horoscopes - from untranslated texts and manuscripts. The Predictive System of Dorotheus explained on an example chart- radix and a solar- by an anonymous Greek author from 10th century Byzantion- from untranslated Greek manuscript. How did the astrologers predict the Chariot-Races in the 10th-12th century Byzantion. (from untranslated Greek text). The ancient doctrine of the Monomoiria. Tables of the Monomoiria from a Greek manuscript. The invisible planets (*dusis*, *krupsis*) according to untranslated Greek manuscript. The amazing Astrological Doctrine of saint Cosmas of Maiuma from 8th century - from untranslated Greek text. ( Saint Cosmas is the only Greek author who identifies all 36 decanates with Greek Divinities. To each zodiacal sign he gives the chief Divinity and another God or Goddess who helps the chief Divinity. There a lot of big surprises here! ) The doctrine of Hermes on the 12 zodiacal signs, their precious stones and the art of making magical rings - from untranslated Greek manuscript in Vienna. HERMES De Lapidibus, ONB- Vienna, Cod. Med. Gr. 23 Han. 73r-76r The doctrine of the third Hermes on the Four Elements - from untranslated Latin text. The doctrine of the Four Elements in Mesopotamia and Greece. The doctrine of the Four Elements in Babylonian Astrology. Projection on screen of the newest (to obtain) Greek, Latin and Arab manuscripts with explanation and discussion. The 4 Greek and Sumerian-Babylonian Divinities who reveal themselves in Venus-Morning Star, Venus-Evening Star, Venus-Invisible in front of the Sun and Venus-Invisible behind the Sun. The 4 Greek and Sumerian-Babylonian Divinities who reveal themselves in Mercury -Morning Star, Mercury-Evening Star, Mercury-Invisible in front of the Sun and Mercury-Invisible behind the Sun. How many are the Guardian Angels and how to find them in a chart. How to assess the short and long World (Mundial) periods according to the Babylonian Astrology. Their lenght in years and character. Analysis of the last 2 centuries. How to find out the divinity who rules the 2100 year period. Where are we now and which one is the next. The Light and the Sun according to Hermes. The Creation. The Cosmos. The Seven Fates. The Seven Planets. The Comets.The Decanates. The Astrological Doctrine of Hermes in Corpus Hermeticum. The Milky Way in Mesopotamian and Babylonian Astrology. Omens with the Milky Way. The Milky Way in Hellenistic and Arab-Medieval Astrology. The Moon, the Sun and other planets in the Milky Way - the doctrine of Ancient Astrology. What is the significance and meaning of the Milky Way in the ascending or culminating Sign and in every house of a chart. ************************************************************************** BABYLONIAN AND ANCIENT ASTROLOGY FIRST LEVEL ************************************************************************** TOPICS
Introduction in Mesopotamia: Historical Periods, Geography, Languages, Writing, Religion, Cosmology. Sources and Texts. The First, Second and Third Hermes. Their epochs and legacy. The legends and the facts. The aim of the ancient astrologer. The ‘Secret of Sky and Earth’. The Divinities of Mesopotamia. How to recognize them in the reliefs, seals and statues. The seven gods and godesses who ‘decide the fates’ of everyone and everything. The rest of the divinities. The gods-protectors and the demons. Ilu ameli and Ishtar ameli. The ‘personal gods and godesses’ (the gardian angels). The numbers, symbols and beasts of the divinities. The myths. The divinities of the planets, stars and constellations. The divinities of the zodiac. The dream of the king-priest Gudea (2100 BC) and its interpretation. The Calendar of Mesopotamia in different eras. The Cult and Ritual. The lunar days of the divinities. Astral Magic and Lunar Astrology in Mesopotamia. Division of Time and Space. Division ot the year, the month, the days and the watches. The divinities of the time-divisions.
The pan-Babylonists. The Philosophy and Astro-Sophy of Mesopotamia. Principles: The Doctrine of the Cycle. The perfect cycle and its division. The doctrine of the Eras. Number, Name and Destiny. Sky and Earth. Their Unity. The signs in the Sky and the signs in the Earth. Interpration of the signs. The omen. Structure and meaning. Collections of omens. Enuma Anu Enlil - description.
The principles of the Philosophy of Mesopotamia applied to Astrology. Divisions of the Zodiac. The dodekatemoria texts. What can we learn from the dodekatemoria text LBAT 1499. Analysis. The terms (bounds).
The 4 coordinate systems of Mesopotamian Astrology: The fixed Babylonian Zodiac, The luni-solar year, The ideal year, The 36 constellations of the Astrolabe.
The 3 ‘celestial paths’ of Anu, Enlil and Ea. Declinational and azimuthal theories of the ‘paths’. The 3 ‘paths’ and the solar cycle. The epic of Gilgamesh.
The heliacal phases of the planets: appearance, stations and disappearance. Cosmic setting and acro-nychal rise. Heliacal phases of the stars, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Heliacal phases of the Moon. Heliacal phases of Venus and Mercury. The meaning of the heliacal phases in Mesopotamian, Hellenistic, Arab and Medieval Astrology. The meaning according to unpublished Greek manuscript. The heliacal phases in the Mesopotamian omina.
The Moon The perfect lunar month and the most important things to look in the lunar month. Lunar Omina. How to interpret Eclipses.
The Sun The solar cycle. Solar Omina. How to interpret Eclipses.
Venus Venus in her 3 main apparitions: Morning star, Evening star and Invisible. Divinities and constellations connected with each apparition. Myths. The Pentagram of Venus. The 20 types of Venus.
Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Omina.
Omina with the stars and the constellations.
The Astrolabe. Structure, meaning and use in Astrology. Dating of the Astrolabe. The four strata of astronomical information in the Astrolabe. Detailed description of the 36 constellations of the Astrolabe. The divinities behind the 36 constellations. The omina of the 36 constellations. Akkadian texts concerning the Astrolabe.
Predictive techniques in Mesopotamian Astrology Individual Charts Evidence from Babylonian horoscopes. For countries and the World. The projection of the World onto the Sky and onto the Time-Cycle. PRACTICAL ANCIENT ASTROLOGY The Elements:
The Stars. The Zodiac and its division. Tropical and sidereal. The fixed Babylonian Zodiac. Decanates, Terms, Dodekatemoria. The degrees. Kingly, of good Luck, of bad Luck, of the Pit, Crippling degrees - meaning. Light, Dark, Shady, Windy and Empty degrees according to Hermes, Abu Mashar, Alcabitius and Firmicus - their effects on the fate. In which zodiac are these degrees to be watched? Lunar mansions.
The Fixed Stars. Nature and power of the stars - how to estimate. The 30 stars interpreted by Hermes. The 6 ways of projection of a star onto the ecliptic. The meaning of the celestial images nad their bodily parts. The 5 (7) most important points in a chart.
The Planets Their character and meaning in ancient Astrology Day and Night planets. Level of Hays of a planet. Planets in houses and in combination. Houses of Joy of the Planets - the teaching of Hermes. Planets in dominions of another planet - the doctrine of Hermes. Planets in heliacal phase - the 7 heliacal phases. ‘Combust’ planets. Power and quality of a planet in its heliacal cycle - the 4 heliacal regions. Powerful and Weak planets. Good and Bad. The 7 criteria to estimate the influence of a planet - in power and in quality.
The Houses The ancient house system of Hermes. The strong houses according to Hermes and to Nehepso. Who is right and why.
The 5 ways of Domination (of a Planet over section of the Zodiac) house-rulership exaltation Triplicity Terms (bounds) Decanates Aspect and Phase
The Aspects in Ancient Astrology The 7 rays projected. Why only 7. The 3 ancient criteria for an angle to be an aspect. The 3 kinds of aspect - in house, term and degree.
Hyleg, Alkokoden and Almuten Their inner Meaning and function in our lives, development and fate. Determination according to Dorotheus, Ptolemy, Valens, Paulus of Alexandria, Antiochus-Porphyry and Rethorius. Charts without Alkokoden (‘fallen Gardian Angel’ syndrom) according to Valens and Rethorius.
How to interpret a chart. The most important things to look at. Order of importance. The four types of charts: strong/weak and good/bad and their combination.
Discussion ************************************************************************** PRIMARY DIRECTIONS
************************************************************************** For this you must carry a calculator with the trigonometric functions. TOPICS
Introduction to the Primary Directions. History. What are the PD? Evidence for PD in Mesopotamian texts. The two ancient ways to do PD: according to Hermes and Ptolemy. Differences. The way of the later authors: Regiomontanus, Koch, Campanus, Bianchini, Lilly, Kuhr, Topocentric. Placidian under the Pole. Other Under-the-Pole direction systems. Mundo and Zodiacal. Significator and Promissor. The ancient way to direct. The five main significators. Directing with Significator in the eastern quadrants. Directing with Significator in the western quadrants. SPECIFIC TOPICS AND PRACTICAL CALCULATIONS
INTERPRETATION OF THE DIRECTIONS MULTI-EVENT EFFECT OF A DIRECTION PERIODS & EVENTS. BREATH & SPREAD OF A DIRECTION RECTIFICATION =============================================== SPECIAL BONUSES FOR THE STUDENTS Those who attend will be able to purchase the computer program Placidus for USD 360 instead of 488. Those who attend any of the 2 seminars will be able to purchase any of my books with 20% discount: ‘THE BABYLONIAN ASTROLABE’, see http://www.eisenbrauns.com/item/KOLBABYLO ‘ON THE FIXED STARS by HERMES’, ‘THE HOROSCOPE OF MAXIMILIAN I by REGIOMONTANUS’, ‘THREE ANNUAL CHARTS for FERDINAND I by LUCAS GAURICUS”, ‘GAURICUS and HENRY II - MEDIEVAL ASTROLOGICAL PROGNOSIS’, ‘PRIMARY DIRECTIONS’ Volumes 1,2 and 3, ‘THE BABYLONIAN SKY OBSERVER’ Volumes 1,2,3 and 4 and ‘THE ASTROLOGY of MESOPOTAMIA - GODS, MYTHS and STARS’ (new book in preparation).
All students will be able also to consult with me on their own or another chart of their choice for at least 30 minutes or more depending on the time availability. Anyone from the students will be able to ask any questions and have personal discussion with me during the seminars and before or after them.
The atmosphere of the seminars will be informal. Each day before and after the end of the teaching there will be tea and free discussion. In the seminars I will give examples with charts of people I know well. The students will be encouraged to offer charts they are interested in. There will be also training how to use the program Placidus 7.10 and its feautures. REGISTERING
You may pay with WISE, paypal, direct bank transfer or moneygram or Western Union. Anyone wishing to attend should contact me directly at:Email: rumen_k_kolev at yahoo dot com.Telephone: +359-878 534 111 (0-878 534 111 if dialing from Bulgaria )Viber: +359-878 534 111Facebook: rumen.kolev.astrologSkype ID: naramdingirsin Skype Name: Naramsin WEB: www.babylonianastrology.com