Videos of the Third Day of the Seminar on Mesopotamian and Ancient Astrology in Varna during 6-10 August, 2014. Paper materials or PDFs are also sent with this package. In English.
DAY 3 (08 August, 2014): 5 hours : 44 min.
VIDEO 1: 1h.:03m. Abu Mashar talks about the seven most lucky degrees in the Zodiac. Which are they? Shall we consider them in the fixed or the tropical zodiac? Haefestio of Thebes and Antigonus of Nicea on the fixed Stars. The 30 Fixed Stars of Hermes and their effects. The five points in a chart most sensitive to fixed stars. Example of ‘predictions’ from my own practice based on fixed stars on the ascendant. Which is the most powerful and luckiest Star on the Firmament. The Four Royal Stars: The King, the Priest, the Warrior and the Lucky One. The five Stars of Wealth. The three Stars of Spirituality: the Angel, the Intelectual and the Artist. The three Stars of Astrology. The three Stars of Artistry. The Star of the Crown. A story about me and one celestial twin of me (born one day before me). The difference in our skills and destinies and the reason for this on the Sky. The seven stars of criminality. How to evaluate the exact influence of a star?
VIDEO 2: 1h.:10m. Day and Night Planets. The six levels of the Hays. The Houses in Ancient Astrology. Powerful and Weak Houses. Lucky and Unlucky Houses. In which house rejoice which of the planets. The House-System of Hermes. Evidence from the Fixed Babylonian Zodiac. Description of a practical astrological-psychological exercise: Evaluate the Almuten of someone whose chart you know nothing about. Efficient (Profitable) and Not-efficient (Non-profitable) Houses. The System of Valens, Nechepso and Hermes. Who is correct? An Astonishing Story from real life reveals us the Truth! The Most Powerful Zodiacal Images in a Chart: How to assess them. Strong and Weak Planets.
VIDEO 3: 1h.:30m. Aspects in Ancient Astrology: In Sign, in Term and in Degree. Notion of a Degree in Ancient Astrology. The Seven Rays emanated by each Planet. The Three Conditions for an Angle to be an Aspect. Why the quintile (72 degrees) cannot be an Aspect? Why the quincunx (150 degrees) cannot be an Aspect? The Five Conditions which make a Planet Powerful or Weak. Why the weakest Houses are the 12th and the 6th? The Two Conditions which make a House Powerful. The Triplicities. Day and Night Rulers. Good and Bad Planets: The Six Conditions. Naramsin and the Temple of Enlil. The Gutis as the Punishment of Enlil: the Devastation of Mesopotamia in 2100 BC. The Sign in the Sky. Strong and Weak Chart and Good and Bad Chart: First Level of Analysis: the Most Important One Condition for Each. Doriphories: the Principles: the Three Conditions. Doriphories according to different authors. Which Planet was the Planet of Luck in Ancient Astrology? The six conditions which make the Moon associated with the Day or the Night. Evaluation of a conjunction (aspect) of the Moon with another Planet. Solution of Exercise 3 (the unhappy and the happy woman in marriage and children). Solution of Exercise 4 (8 charts of women: 4 with children; 4 without). What is the worst case-scenario in a chart of a man and in a chart of a woman?
VIDEO 4: 0h.:37m. Solution of Exercise 4 (8 charts of women: 4 with children; 4 without). The Planet which First reaches Culmination. A chart of a spiritual woman with five daughters. Which fixed star is responsible for this? The ‘Curse of the Nagis’ (spiritual beings in the image of giant snakes). The fixed star responsible for clairvoyance. Solution of exercise 5 (4 charts of men: 2 in prison, two: successsful free men). Solution of exercise 2. Solution of exercise 6 (8 charts: 2 rich, 2 poor, 1: MD occultist). Analysis of a case-chart seen with the Modern Astrology and through the eyes of the Ancient. Effects of the invisible Venus in chart of a man and a woman.
VIDEO 5: 1h.:24m. Strong and Weak Chart. Good and Bad Chart. The Best and the Worst Case-Scenarios for a Chart of a Man and an Woman. The Seven Destinies and How to see them in a Chart: Heroica, Tragedy, Comedy, Tragi-Comedy, Burlesque, Drama and Chaos. The Rising Terms. An amazing story from my personal life reveals who wrote the best description of the rising terms. Venus in Hays and Venus out of Hays. What means to have Jupiter in Morning First Heliacal Phase in a chart? Planets throwing aspects in the rising Terms. Order of evaluation of a Chart. ‘Fallen’ Guardian Angel in a Chart. How to see it and what does this mean? Hyleg, Alkokoden and Almuten. The assessment of the ‘Guardian Angel’ and his (her) methods.