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Astrology Books

De Nativitatibus

Title: De Nativitatibus; Author: Omar Tiberiades (circa 800 AD); Language: Latin; Year & place: 1525, Venetiis; Pages: 120; Content: Natal Astrology drawing from many ancient and medieval sources;  Product Details...


Enarratio Elementorum Astrologiae

Title: Enarratio Elementorum Astrologiae; Author: Naibod Valentinus (1527-1593); Language: Latin; Year & place: 1560, Coloniae; Pages: 515; Content: Alcabitius + detailed comments/explanation with discussion of Ptolemy and other authors; Natal Astr  Product Details...


Introductio in Ptolemaei

Title: Introductio in Ptolemaei; Author: Porphyrius (233-304); Language: Latin and Old Greek; Year & place: 1559, Basileae; Pages: 25; Content: Comments on some tough places in Ptolemy;  Product Details...



Title: Physiomathematica; Author: Placido de Titis (1603-1668); Language: Latin; Year & place: 1650, Mediolani; Pages: 347; Content: The best work by Placidus; Natal Astrology, Primary Directions, Astral Content: Philosophy;  Product Details...


Ptolemaeus Parvus

Title: Ptolemaeus Parvus; Author: Argoli Andreas (1570-1657); Language: Latin; Year & place: 1659, Lugduni; Pages: 265; Content: Natal Astrology;  Product Details...


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