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PRESS RELEASE - the book 'The Babylonian Astrolabe,' 10th of July 2013
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 25 April 2007

A scholarly book dedicated to the Astronomy and Astrology of Mesopotamia has just been printed and is now in distribution by the largest academic publisher and distributor of books on the ancient Near East - EISENBRAUNS!

A book with project manager a scholar who is among the greatest authorities in the field - professor Simo Parpola!

A book which will reveal to the World the true age of Mesopotamian Astronomy and the true system of Mesopotamian Astrology.

A book which will end the dark one-hundred-year night of Kuglerian nihilism and usher us into a new era of amazing discoveries and profound understanding of ancient knowledge.

A book which will prove beyond doubt all tenets of the pan-Babylonists!

'The Babylonian Astrolabe' book is published!



10th of July 2013

Dear Colleague,

Today is the first of Du'uz in the calendar of ancient Mesopotamia heralded by the appearance of the first lunar crescent at sunset after the summer solstice which I personally witnessed minutes ago.

In such auspicious time I received the long-awaited news from professor Simo Parpola that my book on the Babylonian Astrolabe has been finally printed in the days just preceding the 4th of July 2013 when mighty Aldebaran becomes visible in the solar crown.

This book was in preparation for 5 years - since the Melammu VI symposium in 2008 when I for the first time announced to the academic community my startling discovery that the path-positions of the 36 constellations in the Babylonian Astrolabe date from 5500 BC!

Now, after 5 years in which I wrote 15 versions of the book, the final edition has been printed!

Inside there you will find the amazing discovery of the true history, intent and purpose of many Akkadian astrological texts, many of them translated and explained for the first time.

Be joyful!




Download the PDF file explaining the ordering of "The Babylonian Astrolabe" book from HERE.



 State Archives of Assyria Studies Volume XXII



The Calendar of Creation

by Rumen K. Kolev



Project Director:  Simo Parpola;   Publisher: Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project - NATCP;  
WEB (State Archives of Assyria Studies): 
Publication info: Published in July 2013;   Bibliographic info: Pp. xxii + 298; 193 illustrations; 53 tables;   Language(s): English;   Cover: Paper;   Trim Size: 7 x 10 inches;   Price: $79.50;  
ISBN: 952-10-1345-1,   ISBN13: 978-952-10-1345-4;  Distributor: Eisenbrauns Inc. POB 275 Winona Lake, IN 46590-0275, USA · Phone (574) 269-2011 · Fax (574) 269-6788.  
Order from:  WEB (EISENBRAUNS):    (See next page for details).
Order from (Direct access):


Complete analysis of the Babylonian Astrolabe – the most ancient and sacred of all astrological texts of Mesopotamia.  Extensive and rigorous astronomical dating of the four different layers of information coming from 5500 BC, 2300 BC, 1300 BC and 700 BC.
First time translations and explanation of four Akkadian astrological-astronomical texts: the dodekatemoria micro-zodiac text LBAT 1499, the omina text K 3119, the quasi-astrolabe CT 33 Pl. 9 and lunar omina from ACh Sîn IV: 11-20.
Complete translations from Akkadian of Astrolabe ‘B’ and the circular Astrolabe.
Detailed Appendix explaining the heliacal phases. 255 personal observations of actual heliacal phases of planets and stars recorded with details of time, place and atmospheric extinction.  The mathematical algorithm for their computation.  The Babylonian fixed zodiac.  The 36 Astrolabe divinities.
The Original System of the ancient Mesopotamian Astrology explained.




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on Important Research Results

announced at

MELAMMU VI Symposium

 of the Assyrian and the Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project

POSTED at SUNSET of NOV. 19, 2009

DOWNLOAD:    PDF of the Press-Release

More  relevant downloads:

Download  article:            'The Astrolabe 2 stars Mini-Model'

(released Jan 30, 2010 [Shabat 14, Middle Day Watch], Varna)

Download postcard:    5,500 BC postcard Merry Christmas!


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