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"Koch Johannes and the Astrolabe", a story from 'behind the curtain' of science. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 15 June 2011


*  A story of Assyriology and stars from

'behind the curtain' of modern science  *

*(The Argument on the Age of the Astrolabe in N.A.B.U. 2010.2 and 3. )*

In three Parts

and with an appendix with the three original articles published in N.A.B.U. 2010

by Rumen K. Kolev, the 12th of Simanu, 2011 (15th of June)


It was in 2008 when rumours spread that astronomical information from 5,500 BC has been
found in the path-positions of the Astrolabe stars.

A research presented on the Melammu VI symposium proved mathematically the very
basis of the existence in Mesopotamia in prehistoric times of An Ancient Mesopotamian
Philosophy (WeltAnschaung , World-View) that the pan-Babylonians, like the great scholar in
Mesopotamia Alfred Jeremias, strove to recreate.

So, for 2 years, the data and the full research on the 5,500 BC dating of the Astrolabe, was in the hands of virtually all 10 or 20 world specialists in the arcane field of Babylonian Astronomy…

It was in the spring of 2010 when finally, someone from among the well-known specialists in
Babylonian Astronomy decided to say something!
It was Koch Johannes..............................


To continue reading the story:    

   Download the whole story  *KOCH JOHANNES & THE ASTROLABE*       Part I



If you read Part I and feel ready for Part II:

Download   *KOCH JOHANNES & THE ASTROLABE*       Part II 



If you read Part II and feel ready for  Part III, which is in fact the end of the 'tri-logy':



If you want to inquire more and read all four articles exchanged between Koch Johannes and Kolev Rumen in N.A.B.U. 2010, you can immediately download them in a PDF from : 






Last Updated ( Sunday, 19 June 2011 )
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